Educational Background:
1984: State Doctorate (Doctor ès Science), University of Strasbourg, France.
1981: Doctor 3rd Cycle, University of Strasbourg.
1979: Diploma of Advanced Studies, University of Strasbourg, France.
1978: Master's Degree in Science, Physical-Chemistry, Center for Advanced Studies, Mexico.
1974: Industrial Chemical Engineer, School of Chemical Engineering and Extractive Industries (E.S.I.Q.I.E.) National Polytechnic Institute (I.P.N.), Mexico.
Professional Experience:
2024 -present: Chair Professor at the College of Smart Energy- Shanghai Joao Tong University. China
2021-2024: Emeritus Professor – University of Poitiers.
2019 (2m): Visiting Professor - University of Padova, Italy.
2011-2021: Professor – Exceptional Class (CE1), University of Poitiers.
2010-2011: Director of the Department of Chemistry, URF-SFA University of Poitiers.
2008-2010: Director of the Interdisciplinary Service of Microscopy and Scientific Imaging (SIMIS), University of Poitiers.
2008-2009: Visiting Professor (Sciences-Po Paris - First cycle Spain, Portugal Latin America-Poitiers). Poitiers, France.
2006-2008: Co-responsible for the course Materials for Renewable Energies and Environment (Mat'ERE) of the Master-2 Pro.
2006-2010: Professor - 1st class, University of Poitiers.
2005 (6m): Visiting Professor - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
2003 (6m): Visiting Professor - Benemerita University of Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
2002 (1m): Visiting Professor - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
2001: Visiting Researcher -Fritz-Haber der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Berlin, Germany.
1997-2012: Co-Head of the Electro-catalysis Team, UMR-CNRS 6503. Poitiers.
1997-2005: Professor - 2nd class, University of Poitiers, France
1986-1997: Senior Researcher, Hahn-Meitner Institute, Solare Energetik, Berlin, Germany.
1990, 93, 96: Visiting Professor (Center for Research and Advanced Studies-IPN). Mexico City, Mexico).
1975-1978: Professor of Physics and Chemistry at a Secondary School, Mexico City.
1975: Chief Rubber Mixing Engineer at HULVA, S.A., Mexico.
Other Professional activities:
Editorial board member in:
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, Elsevier;
Frontiers in Energy, Springer;
Energy Materials, OAE publisher;
Electrochemical Energy Reviews, Springer;
Catalysts and Surfaces, MDPI;
Fuel Cells, Wiley.
1. Materials for electrocatalysis (Interfacial Electrochemistry; Fuel Cell reactions)
2. Materials for Photoelectrocatalysis (Semiconductor electrochemistry; Photocatalysis)
3. Energy conversion and storage (Low temperature Fuel cells; Electrolyzers)
4. Materials Synthesis (metal, alloys, semiconductor nanomaterials via soft chemistry)
Formic acid production by electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
[1] N. Alonso-Vante, V. Di Noto, Electrocatalysis for Membrane Fuel Cells: Methods, Modeling, and Applications, Wiley 2023.
[2] H. Zhong, Y. Feng, N. Alonso-Vante, Heterostructures based on transition metal chalcogenides and layered double hydroxides for enhanced water splitting, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, (2022) 101016.
[3] N. Alonso-Vante, On the factors affecting the activity of a catalytic center, Revista de Ingeniería y Tecnología Educativa, 5 (2022) 34-40.
[4] C.A. Campos-Roldán, N. Alonso-Vante, The Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Medium: An Overview, Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 2 (2019) 312-331.
[5] N. Alonso-Vante, Chalcogenide Materials for Energy Conversion. Pathways to Oxygen and Hydrogen Reactions, 1 ed., Springer International Publishing 2018.
[6] L. Timperman, N. Alonso-Vante, Oxide Substrate Effect Toward Electrocatalytic Enhancement of Platinum and Ruthenium–Selenium Catalysts, Electrocatalysis, 2 (2011) 181-191.
[7] W. Vogel, L. Timperman, N. Alonso-Vante, Probing metal substrate interaction of Pt nanoparticles: Structural XRD analysis and oxygen reduction reaction, Appl. Catal. A-Gen, 377 (2010) 167-173.
[8] Y.J. Feng, T. He, N. Alonso-Vante, Carbon-Supported CoSe2 Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acid Medium, Fuel Cells, 10 (2010) 77-83.
[9] N. Alonso-Vante, Tailoring of metal cluster-like materials for the molecular oxygen reduction reaction, Pure Appl. Chem., 80 (2008) 2103-2114.
[10] N. Alonso-Vante, Carbonyl tailored electrocatalysts, Fuel Cells, 6 (2006) 182-189.
[11] D. Mamedov, S.Z. Karazhanov, N. Alonso-Vante, Fermi level pinning in metal oxides: influence on photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 36 (2024) 413001.
[12] J.A. Diaz-Real, T. Holm, N. Alonso-Vante, Chapter 9 - Photoelectrochemical hydrogen production (PEC H2), in: A. Basile, T.W. Napporn (Eds.) Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes, Elsevier2020, pp. 255-289.
[13] S. Mokrane-Soualah, A.S. Gago, A. Habrioux, N. Alonso-Vante, Mixed-oxide Ti1−xWxO2 as support for (photo)-electrochemical processes, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 147 (2014) 756-763.
[14] G. Abadias, A.S. Gago, N. Alonso-Vante, Structural and photoelectrochemical properties of Ti1-xWxO2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2011) S265-S270.
[15] T. Lana-Villarreal, A. Straboni, L. Pichon, N. Alonso-Vante, Photoelectrochemical characterization of p-type silicon electrodes covered with tunnelling nitride dielectric films, Thin Solid Films, 515 (2007) 7376-7381.
[16] M. Martini, T. Matencio, N. Alonso-Vante, M.A. De Paoli, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Dodecylsulphate Doped Polypyrrole Films in the Dark and under Illumination, J. Brazilian Chem. Soc., 11 (2000) 50-58.
[17] K. Büker, N. Alonso-Vante, H. Tributsch, Photoelectrochemical investigations of complex formation phenomena on on oriented n-pyrite (FeS2) crystal surfaces, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 100 (1996) 1808-1813.
[18] A.M.A. El-Halim, N. Alonso-Vante, H. Tributsch, Iron/sulphur centre mediated photoinduced charge transfer at (100) oriented pyrite surfaces, J. Electroanal. Chem., 399 (1995) 29-39.
Fuel Cells [1-8]
[19] J. Wang, H. Kong, H. Zhong, Y. Jiang, F. Guo, N. Alonso-Vante, Y. Feng, Recent Progress on Transition Metal Based Layered Double Hydroxides Tailored for Oxygen Electrode Reactions, Catalysts, 11 (2021) 1394.
[20] H. Zhong, L.A. Estudillo-Wong, Y. Gao, Y. Feng, N. Alonso-Vante, Cobalt-Based Multicomponent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysts Generated by Melamine Thermal Pyrolysis with High Performance in an Alkaline Hydrogen/Oxygen Microfuel Cell, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 21605-21615.
[21] J.M. Mora-Hernández, N. Alonso-Vante, Membraneless micro fuel cell designs for portable applications, in: P. Ferreira-Aparicio, A.M. Chaparro (Eds.) Portable Hydrogen Energy Systems. Fuel Cells and Storage Fundamentals and Applications, Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 2018, pp. 125-159.
[22] A.S. Gago, Y. Luo, N. Alonso-Vante, Chalcogenide Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion Fuel Cell A2, in: K. Wandelt (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry, Elsevier, Oxford, 2018, pp. 419-445.
[23] A.S. Gago, J.-P. Esquivel, N. Sabaté, J. Santander, N. Alonso-Vante, Comprehensive characterization and understanding of micro-fuel cells operating at high methanol concentrations, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6 (2015) 2000-2006.
[24] A.S. Gago, Y. Gochi-Ponce, Y.-J. Feng, J.P. Esquivel, N. Sabaté, J. Santander, N. Alonso-Vante, Tolerant Chalcogenide Cathodes of Membraneless Micro Fuel Cells, ChemSusChem, 5 (2012) 1488-1494.
[25] A.S. Gago, L.G. Arriaga, Y. Gochi-Ponce, Y.J. Feng, N. Alonso-Vante, Oxygen reduction reaction selectivity of RuxSey in formic acid solutions, J. Electroanal. Chem., 648 (2010) 78-84.
metal, alloys, semiconductor nanomaterials via soft chemistry
[26] N. Alonso-Vante, Parameters Affecting the Fuel Cell Reactions on Platinum Bimetallic Nanostructures, Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 6 (2023) 3.
[27] X.-W. Song, S. Zhang, H. Zhong, Y. Gao, L.A. Estudillo-Wong, N. Alonso-Vante, X. Shu, Y. Feng, FeCo nanoalloys embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets/bamboo-like carbon nanotubes for the oxygen reduction reaction, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 8 (2021) 109-121.
[28] S. Hussain, H. Erikson, N. Kongi, M. Rähn, M. Merisalu, A. Tamm, V. Sammelselg, N. Alonso-Vante, K. Tammeveski, High oxygen reduction reaction activity and durability of Pt catalyst photo-deposited on SnO2-coated and uncoated multi-walled carbon nanotubes, J. Electroanal. Chem., 896 (2021) 115147.
[29] C.A. Campos-Roldán, N. Alonso-Vante, Understanding the oxophilic effect on the hydrogen electrode reaction through PtM nanostructures, J. Solid State Electrochem., 25 (2021) 187-194.
[30] C.A. Campos-Roldán, L. Calvillo, G. Granozzi, N. Alonso-Vante, Alkaline hydrogen electrode and oxygen reduction reaction on PtxNi nanoalloys, J. Electroanal. Chem., 857 (2020) 113449.
[31] Y. Luo, N. Alonso-Vante, Application of Metal Organic Framework (MOF) in the electrocatalytic process, Electrochemistry: Volume 14, The Royal Society of Chemistry2017, pp. 194-256.
[32] Y. Luo, N. Alonso-Vante, The Effect of Support on Advanced Pt-based Cathodes towards the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. State of the Art, Electrochim. Acta, 179 (2015) 108-118.
[33] E. Favry, D. Wang, D. Fantauzzi, J. Anton, D.S. Su, T. Jacob, N. Alonso-Vante, Synthesis, electrochemical characterization and molecular dynamics studies of surface segregation of platinum nano-alloy electrocatalysts, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13 (2011) 9201-9208.
[34] A. Habrioux, W. Vogel, M. Guinel, L. Guetaz, K. Servat, B. Kokoh, N. Alonso-Vante, Structural and electrochemical studies of Au-Pt nanoalloys, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11 (2009) 3573-3579.
[1] N. Alonso-Vante, Y. Luo, A. Habrioux, Nanoparticules à base de platine et d'un oxyde de terre rare et leur procédé de préparation. Filed on: 2014-27-03; French Patent Application nr. Nr. WO/2015/144894
[2] N. Alonso-Vante, J. Ma, A.S. Gago, Process for preparing nanoparticles of a catalyst for cathodic reduction of dioxygen in the presence of methanol, 2013, pp. 25. Filed on: 2012-16-06; French Patent Application nr. Nr. WO2013190060A3.
[3] N. Alonso-Vante, Y. Feng, T. He, Carbon-Supported CoSe2 Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution in Acid Environments, United States Patent USA, 2010, pp. 6. Filed on: 2009-20-02; US Provisional Patent Application.
[4] N. Alonso-Vante, P. Zelenay, J.H. Choi, A. Wieckowski, D. Cao, Chalcogen catalysts for polymer electrolyte fuel cell, United States Patent United States, 2009, pp. 11. Filed on: 2005-12-05; Application Number: 11/295361; Pub Date: 2007-06-07; Pub Number: 20070128501; App Number: 11295361; App. Date: 2005-12-05. Int. Cl.: H01M 4/00
[5] N. Alonso-Vante: Inert for selective oxygen reduction of oxygen and method for the production thereof. Year: 01/1998. DE 196 44 628 C2, Int. Cl.: H01M 4/90
[6] H. Tributsch, N. Alonso-Vante, S. Fiechter, W. Jaegermann, Inert electrode with catalytic activity, German Patent Germany, 1988, pp. 10. DE 3624054
Bibliometric Data Cf:
2019: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Padova at Padova-, Italy.
2018: Honored Invited Speaker at the Mexican Hydrogen Society, September, 19 (//
2017: NM Emanuel Medal from the Russian Academy of Science for achievements in Chemical and Biochemical Physics, Moscow, Russia.
2017: Extraordinary visiting Professor at the National University Rio-IV, Argentina.
2011: Mexican Council of Technology SNI-III highest recognition as a Mexican researcher working outside Mexico.
2005: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA.
2004: Research and Scientific Distinguished Graduate Work « Ing. Hilario Ariza » IPN-Mexico.
1985: Alexander von Humboldt-Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin, Germany.