2020.03-2021.10 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)博士
2015.09-2020.03 上海交通大学 核科学与技术 硕博连读
2011.09-2015.06 西安交通大学 核工程与核技术 学士
2022.06-今 上海交通大学 足球彩票 助理教授,博导
德国联邦经济和能源部 (BMWi):Modeling of post-dryout heat transfer and rewetting at fuel rods under BWR and PWR relevant conditions (MOPOW II Project)
德国联邦经济和能源部 (BMWi):Improvement of the heat transfer modeling in ATHLET for safety analysis of Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor(VERA Project)
Xiao, X., Zhang, X., Song, M.*, Liu, X., Huang, Q., 2024. NPP accident prevention: Integrated neural network for coupled multivariate time series prediction based on PSO and its application under uncertainty analysis for NPP data. Energy, 305: 132374.
Song, H.D., Liu, X.J.*, Song, M.Q.*, 2023. Comparative study of data-driven and model-driven approaches in prediction of nuclear power plants operating parameters. Applied Energy, 341: 121077.
Song, M.Q., Liu, X.J., Cheng, X., 2023. Modelling and experimental validation of heat transfer behavior during trans-critical transients. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 186: 109771.
Song, H., Song, M.Q. Liu, X., 2022. Online autonomous calibration of digital twins using machine learning with application to nuclear power plants. Applied Energy, 326: 119995.
Song, M.Q., Liu, X.J., Cheng, X., 2022. A new correlation for post-dryout heat transfer in upward vertical flow. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 392: 111747.
Song, M.Q., Liu, X.J., Cheng, X., 2021. Prediction of critical heat flux (CHF) for the high-pressure region in uniformly heated vertical round tubes. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 158: 108303.
Song, M.Q., Liu, X.J., 2021. Assessment of CHF and post-CHF Heat Transfer Models for High-Pressure Condition. Frontiers in Energy Research, 9: 782086.
Song, M.Q., Zhang, Q.M., Guo, Y.H., et al., 2016. Numerical modeling of thermal loading of diamond crystal in X-ray FEL oscillators. Chinese Physics C, 40 (4): 048101.
Liu, X.J., Song, M.Q., Cheng, X., 2019. Current status and challenges of supercritical fluid thermal hydraulics. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 354: 110176.