2012.07-2017.08 美国明尼苏达大学 机械工程系 博士
2010.09-2012.07 美国斯坦福大学 机械工程系 硕士
2006.09-2010.07 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 学士
2022.06-今 上海交通大学国家电投足球彩票 副教授
2018.10-2022.05 美国可再生能源国家实验室 副研究员
2017.09-2018.09 美国明尼苏达大学 机械工程系 博士后研究员
1. 电制合成燃料制备与利用
2. 数据机理融合驱动算法
3. 新能源动力系统
4. 智慧能源系统
1. 国家自然科学基金优青青年(海外)项目“融合机理与数据的重型车低碳动力系统研究”,2024-2026,负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目“电制合成燃料设计与制备基础理论与关键技术”,2024-2028,子课题负责人
3. 上海市市级重大专项“可再生合成燃料基础理论与关键技术”,2023-2026,子课题负责人
4. 工信部高技术船舶动力科研项目“奥拓循环氨燃料发动机燃烧关键技术研究”,2023-2026,子课题负责人
5. 美国能源部,汽车技术项目科研基金: “A New Approach for Increasing Efficiency of Agricultural Tractor and Implements” , 2020-2023,课题负责人
6. 美国环境保护署,合作研究项目:“Activity Update Using On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Data”, 2020-2021,负责人
1.Biaowu Lu, Zijie Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Chen Zhang, Lei Zhu, Zhen Huang, “Control Strategy of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Operating Temperature under Real Fluctuating Renewable Power”, Energy Conversion and Management, 299:117852, 2024.
2.Yuxuan Fei, Ang Li, Chen Zhang, Hengyong Tu, Lei Zhu, Zhen Huang, “Performance Optimization of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell for Syngas Production by High Temperature Co-electrolysis via Differential Evolution Algorithm with Practical Constraints”, Energy Conversion and Management, 300:117911, 2024.
3.Feng Wang, Zichang Lin, Jiaqi Li, Chen Zhang, Jin Xiao, Bing Xu, “A Free Piston Engine Generator Powered Hybrid Wheel Loader with Independent Electric Drive”, Energy, 286:129473, 2024.
4.Mohammadali Kargar, Chen Zhang, Xingyong Song, “Integrated Optimization of Power Management and Vehicle Motion Control for Autonomous Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, IEEE Transaction of Vehicular Technology, 72(9): 11147-11155, 2023.
5.Feng Wang, Zhenchuan Lin, Haoxiang Zhang, Chen Zhang, Bing Xu, “A Compact Hydro-mechanical Transmission Solution to Wheel Loader Propulsion System and Its Control Strategy”, Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2023.
6.Chen Zhang, Biaowu Lu, Jinlong Wang, Lei Zhu, Jin Xiao, Zongxuan Sun, and Zhen Huang, “Numerical Analysis of Ammonia HCCI Combustion in a Free Piston Engine Through Trajectory-Based Combustion Control”, Fuel, 341: 127634, 2023.
Prior to SJTU
7.Chen Zhang, Karen Ficenec, Andrew Kotz, Kenneth Kelly, Darrell Sonntag, Carl Fulper, Jessica Brakora, Tiffany Mo, and Sudheer Ballare, “Development of a Heavy-Duty Vehicle Activity Database for Improved Estimates of Start and Idle Emissions”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 105, 103251, 2022.
8.Chen Zhang, Kenneth Kelly, Andrew Kotz, and Eric Miller, “Analysis of In-Use Engine Speed/Torque Heat-Maps Across Medium Duty/Heavy Duty Application”, International journal of engine research, (23)10, 2021.
9.Chen Zhang, Andrew Kotz, Kenneth Kelly, and Luke Rippelmeyer, “Development of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Representative Driving Cycles via Decision Tree Regression”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 95, 102843, 2021.
10. Chen Zhang, Eric Miller, Andrew Kotz, Kenneth Kelly, Matthew Thornton, Michael Geller, and Rasto Brezny, “Characterization of Commercial Vehicles’ Start-Up Operations from In-Use Data”, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 91, 102694, 2021.
11. Keyan Liu, Chen Zhang, and Zongxuan Sun, “Independent Pressure and Flow Rate Control Enabled by Hydraulic Free Piston Engine”, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 24, Issue, no.3, pp 1282 – 1293, 2019.
12. Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “A Control-oriented Model for Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion Control”, Journal of Dynamics, Systems, Measurement, and Control, Volume 140, Page 091013-1-091013-10, 2018.
13. Abhinav Tripathi, Chen Zhang, and Zongxuan Sun, “A Multi-zone Model for Combustion Chamber Dynamics in a Controlled Trajectory Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine (CT-RCEM)”, Applied Energy, Volume 231, Page 179-193, 2018.
14. Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Trajectory-based Combustion Control for Renewable Fuels in Free Piston Engines”, Applied Energy, Volume 187, Page 72-83, 2017.
15. Ke Li, Chen Zhang, and Zongxuan Sun, “Transient Motion Control for a Free Piston Engine”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automotive Engineering, Volume 231, Issue 12, Page 1709-1717, 2017.
16. Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Using Variable Piston Trajectory to Reduce Engine-out Emissions”, Applied Energy, Volume 170, Page 403-414, 2016.
17. Chen Zhang, Ke Li and Zongxuan Sun, “Modeling of Piston Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion Enabled by a Free Piston Engine”, Applied Energy, Volume 139, Page 313-326, 2015.
18. Ke Li, Chen Zhang, and Zongxuan Sun, “Precise Piston Trajectory Control for a Free Piston Engine”, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 34, Page 30-38, 2015
1.ASME 动态系统控制年会“Energy Optimization for Intelligent Vehicle System”分会主席, 2019
1.Mohammadali Kargar, Chen Zhang, and Xingyong Song, “Integrated Optimization of Powertrain Energy Management and Vehicle Motion Control for Autonomous Hybrid Electric Vehicles”, Proceeding of American Control Conference (ACC), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2022, pp. 404-409.
2.Chen Zhang, Andrew Kotz, Michael Lammert, and Kenneth Kelly, “Decision Tree Regression to Identify National Representative Road Sections for Evaluating Connected and Automated Line Haul Truck”, SAE 2021 Technical Paper, 2021-01-0187, 2021.
3.Chen Zhang, Michael Lammert, and Brian McAuliffe, “Impact of Lateral Alignment for Cooling Airflow during Heavy Truck Platooning”, SAE Technical Paper, 2021-02-0231, 2021.
4.Hoseinali Borhan, Michael Lammert, Kenneth Kelly, Chen Zhang, Nathan Brady, Chia-Siung Yu, and Jingxuan Liu, “Advancing Platooning with ADAS Control Integration and Assessment – Test Results”, SAE Technical Paper, 2021-01-0429, 2021.
5.Chen Zhang and Michael Lammert, “Impact to Cooling Airflow from Truck Platooning”, SAE Technical Paper, 2020-01-1298, 2020.
6.Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Realizing Trajectory-Based Combustion Control in a Hydraulic Free Piston Engine via a Fast-Response Digital Valve”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018, DSCC 2018-9057.
7.Abhinav Tripathi, Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Auto-Ignition Combustion Dynamics”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2018, DSCC 2018-9184.
8.Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “A Framework of Control-oriented Reaction-based Model for Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion with Variable Fuels”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Tysons, VA, 2017, DSCC 2017-5194.
9.Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Optimization of Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2016, DSCC 2016-9726.
10.Keyan, Liu, Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Free Piston Engine Based Mobile Fluid Power Source”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2016, DSCC 2016-9724.
11.Abhinav Tripathi, Ke Li, Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Modeling and Control of Controlled Trajectory Rapid Compression Expansion Machine”, Proceeding of the American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2016.
12.Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “A New Approach to Reduce Engine-out Emissions Enabled by Trajectory-based Combustion Control”, Proceeding of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 2015, DSCC2015-9838.
13.Chen Zhang, Ke Li and Zongxuan Sun, “A Control-oriented Model for Piston Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion Control Enabled by Free Piston Engines”, Proceeding of the American Control Conference, Chicago, IL 2015.
14.Chen Zhang, Ke Li and Zongxuan Sun, “Modeling of Piston Trajectory-based HCCI Combustion”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2014, DSCC2014-6256.
15.Ke Li, Chen Zhang and Zongxuan Sun, “Transient Control of a Hydraulic Free Piston Engine”, Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference, Stanford, CA, 2013, DSCC2013-3991.
1. 国家级青年人才(海外)2023
2. 上海市领军人才(海外)2022
3. 美国可再生能源国家实验室,个人关键贡献奖 2021
4. ASME 动态系统控制年会,最佳论文奖 2018